IE2014 - Submission
Paper Format
All submissions must be in PDF format, formatted according to the IE version of the official ACM proceedings format which can be obtained here in word (.doc) format:
If you need to refer to the original official ACM templates, they can be obtained at
Paper and Submission Types
IE2014 will accept four kinds of submissions; all types of submissions will be published in the conference proceedings.
Regular Papers (Recommended length: 7-10 pages)
Regular papers represents mature work where the work has been rigorously evaluated. All regular papers will be peer reviewed for technical merit, significance, clarity and relevance to interactive entertainment. Accepted papers are required to give a 15-20 minute presentation at the conference.
Short Papers (Recommended length: 3 pages)
Short papers represent novel work in progress that may not be yet as mature as regular submissions, but still represents a significant contribution to the field. All short papers will be peer reviewed for technical merit, significance, clarity and relevance to interactive entertainment. Accepted papers are required to present a poster at the conference.
Demo Submissions (Recommended length: 1 page)
Technical demonstrations show innovative and original implementations to interactive entertainment. Demo papers will be reviewed by the conference chair and the program chair for significance and relevance. Demo presenters are responsible for bringing the necessary equipment to set up their own demo at the conference. Space restrictions may apply. It may also be possible to cater for specific requests if you contact the conference chair and discuss requirements ahead of time.
Exhibition Submissions (Recommended length: 1 page)
These submissions are for work which will be exhibited in the conference's dedicated space. Applicants are to submit a short write-up outlining and contextualising the work to be exhibited, including pictures. They will need to provide a clear understanding of the proposed exhibited design work, its relationship with interactive entertainment supported by design argumentation. A detailed description of what and how the work needs to be exhibited should also be included. Space restrictions may apply. It may also be possible to cater for specific requests if you contact the conference chair and discuss requirements ahead of time. Exhibit presenters are responsible for bringing the necessary equipment to set up their own exhibit at the conference.
Submission is now open.
All submissions need to be made via Easychair
Authors not already registered with Easychair will need to register before they can make a submission.
All conference papers will be fully peer reviewed using a double-blind process by an International Review Panel to ensure research dissemination of the highest quality. To assist this process please ensure that authors names and affiliations are removed from the paper when submitting.
IE2014 will not accept any paper that, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in another journal or conference.
Successful authors will have the opportunity to modify their papers to include recommendations from the International Review Panel. All accepted papers are expected to be published in the ACM IE2014 conference proceedings. For a submission to appear in the proceedings, at least one author must register for the conference by the deadline.
The proceedings volume is part of the International Conference Proceedings Series published by ACM. Please see for papers from previous years.
Important Dates
Paper Submissions: | | 31 August, 2014 (Extended) |
Author Notification: | | 1 October, 2014 |
Camera Ready Papers:
| | 1 November, 2014
Conference Dates: | | 2-3 December, 2014 |