Interactive Entertainment 2017

Important Dates
Call for Papers
Submission Info
Program Committee
Location & Travel
Contact Us

Welcome to the 2017 Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment
Interactive Entertainment is Australasia's longest running international game and digital entertainment conference.
Paper submission deadline extended until August 22nd 2016
Now in its thirteenth year, the 2017 conference will be held at Deakin University's Geelong Waterfront Campus in Victoria, Australia from January 31st (Tuesday) to February 3rd (Friday) 2017 as part of Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW 2017).
The conference brings together international research expertise in the field of interactive entertainment, covering topics including the design and application of games, apps, virtual & augmented reality as well as research on a range of other interactive systems and design principles. The theme for this years conference is...
"Growing Interactivity" - Techniques & Opportunities for Interactive Play
The final Call for Papers (see link on left) has gone out, so if you have some interesting projects, results or findings we look forward to reading your submissions.
Registration for IE 2017 will also enable delegates to attend sessions in any conference participating in ACSW (click here to view the complete ACSW 2017 conference list)
All papers will be peer reviewed by at least 3 members of the international program committee with papers that meet the acceptance criteria presented at the conference and also included in the conference proceedings (to be published by ACM - click here for last years (ACSW 2016) ACM international conference proceedings series publication)
For details on past Interactive Entertainment conferences and publications (click here)
Important Dates for Interactive Entertainment 2017
Submission Deadlines/Dates
- Deadline for Paper Submissions - AUGUST 22nd 2016
Acceptance & Publication Dates
- Notification of Accepted Papers - OCTOBER 17th 2016
- Deadline for Camera-Ready Papers - NOVEMBER 7th 2016
- Conference Registration for Presenters Due (to be confirmed)
Conference Dates
- Conference Registration for Non-Presenters Due (to be confirmed)
- Interactive Entertainment Conference (including ACSW 2017) - (Tuesday January 31st - Friday February 3rd 2017)
For further details on dates for registration please check back soon, further details to come....
Call for Papers for Interactive Entertainment 2017
- IE2017 welcomes scientists, designers, artists, technicians, students, industry and academics from across the spectrum. We encourage contributions from fields as diverse as computer science, social science, design, communication, media studies, music, engineering, health and mathematics.
- Original research contributions in the form of full papers (up to but no longer than 10 pages) describing innovative research in the field of interactive entertainment are welcome. IE invites participation and submissions from researchers and practitioners with an interest in techniques, tools, technology and its applied use and impact, in improving interactive experience over a wide range of fields, including but not limited to the following:
- Applied Interaction, Play & Games (Serious games, Exergaming, Interactive simulation, Discussions on narrative, Social games)
- Interaction Design (Design practices & methods, User interface & interaction design, Design history)
- Transmedia
- Expermental Design (Experience measurement, Creativity in games, Evaluation methodologies, Experimental gameplay forms)
- Interactive Technology (Game physics, Game graphics & renderring, Artificial intelligence, Development processes, Networking models)
- Audio & Sound design
- Interactive Platforms, Methods & Applications (Mobile and portable games, Virtual & Augmented reality)
- Interactive Techniques & Studies (Interactive film, Animation in games, History of interactive media, Commercial concerns)
- Visualization & Interactive Applications (Case studies using data in interactive applications)
- Games, Play & interaction thinking not listed here
Submission, Acceptance & Publication Dates
- Deadline for Paper Submisions - AUGUST 22nd 2016
- Notification of Accepted Papers - OCTOBER 17th 2016
- Deadline for Camera-Ready Papers - NOVEMBER 7th 2016
- Conference Registration for Presenters Due (to be confirmed)
Conference Dates
- Conference Registration for Non-Presenters Due (to be confirmed)
- Interactive Entertainment Conference (including ACSW 2017) - (Tuesday January 31st - Friday February 3rd 2017)
For further details on dates for registration please check back soon, further details to come....
Submission Information for IE 2017
Authors are invited to submit original research contributions in the field of Interactive Entertainment.
- All submissions must be original work, not previously published elsewhere, and not currently submitted to any other conference or journal.
- Papers must be between 4 and 10 pages long.
- Papers are required to conform to the ACM formatting guidelines detailed on the ACSW 2017 Website: Submission Guidelines (see ACMs formatting guidleines here).
- De-identify the paper. Remove author names, and any additional information in the paper that could be used to identify the paper authors
- Submission of papers will be handled online via the "Australiasian Interactive Entertainment" track on the ACSW2017 EasyChair website (click here to make a submission).
- Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the conference to present the work.
Please check back soon, further conference details to come....
International Program Committee for IE 2017
Papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the international program committee listed below.
Program Chair: Dr Dale Patterson, Griffith University
Program Committee:
- Laurent Antonczak, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
- Associate Prof Stephen Barrass, University of Canberra, Australia
Dr Karen Blackmore, Newcastle University, Australia
- Prof Andrew Brown, Griffith University, Australia
Associate Prof Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Associate Prof Girjia Chetty, University of Canberra, Australia
Dr Adrian Clark, HITLabNZ, New Zealand
Prof Penny de Byl, Bond University, Australia
Dr Andrew Ensor, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Dr Heather Faulkner, Griffith University, Australia
Lauren Ferro, RMIT, Australia
Dr Allan Fowler, California Polytechnic State University, USA
Dr Gudrun Frommherz, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Dr Michael Hitchens, Macquarie University, Australia
Dr Henry Larkin, Deakin University, Australia
Dr Martin Masek, Edith Cowan University, Australia
- Dr Kelly Mcilvenny, Shanghai Museum of Art, China
Dr Keith Nesbitt, Newcastle University, Australia
- Dr Dale Patterson, Griffith University, Australia
Associate Prof, Yusuf Pisan, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Dr Shamus Smith, Newcastle University, Australia
Francis Wild, Griffith University, Australia
Registration Information for IE 2017
To register for Interactive Entertainment 2017 conference, you will need to register for the larger ACSW (Australasian Computer Science Week) conference. This will provide you access to all of the Interactive Entertainment conference as well as the other ACSW conferences.
Registration details and links can be found here on the ACSW conference site
Please check back soon, further details to come....
Program Information for IE 2017
Specific details of the conference program (presentation times/locations etc) will be finalized following notification of accepted papers and prior to the conference start date.
Click here for preliminary ACSW 2017 conference program
Please check back soon, further details to come....
Location & Travel Information for IE 2017
The 2017 Interactive Entertainment conference will take place at Deakin University in the city of Geelong in Victoria, Australia.
Geelong is Victoria's second largest city and is located on Corio Bay. See below for further links and information on the conference venue and Geelong region.
Conference Venue
- The thirteenth Interactive Entertainment conference (IE 2017) will be held at Deakin University's Geelong Waterfront Campus in Victoria, Australia from January 30th (Monday) to February 3rd (Friday) 2017 as part of Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW 2017).
Geelong Region
The Geelong region features a number of interesting elements. Located on Corio bay, the city itself extends right to the waterfront. For more details on the regions attractions see the links below:
International Visitors
International visitors from some countries are required to apply for a visa to enter Australia. Please visit the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection for detailed visa information.
Australia also has specific Quarantine regulations that define what you can and cannot bring into Australia. For more detailed information on this, see the Australian Quarantine Information for Travellers.
Please check back soon, further details to come....
Contact Information for IE 2017
If you have any queries or questions please feel free to contact us at: