Playing the System
Topics include but are not limited to the following four tracks:
Playing Games:
Tangible interaction, installations, Mixed Realities, Augmented Realities, interactive playful, local multiplayer, phenomenology, embodiment, place and space, time, tactile, new interfaces, haptics, motion-detection games, play and simulations, network, mobile gaming, performance, online team play, massively multiplayer games and their dynamics.
Playing Art:
Analogue and mechanical art meet digital art, information, communication, awareness, game art, engaging people.
Playing Mobile:
Mobile gaming, teams, location-based, competition, collaboration, performative aspect, splitting/meeting/joining, making movies with mobile phones and/or cultural remixing.
Playing Education:
Learning, understanding, exploration, invention, surprise, but possibly not outright educational drill games.
All tracks should include both practice and theory, e.g. play and the real world, random chance, flow, immersion, complexity, medial convergence, game design methodologies, play theories.
Contributions: Base your vision in theory, develop it, test it, backup your claims, be focused/specific and critical; not everything is getting more fun, better and brighter.